Welcome to H R Coaching and Consulting (HRCC) where we are uniquely positioned to meet your HR, Corporate and Career Services needs.
We specialize in: Corporate Client Services, Executive Coaching, high-level Career Management and Career Transitions programs for client companies and organizations as well as private individuals.
HRCC also provides HR consulting services to small to mid-sized organizations in both the private and public sectors.
How can we help you succeed today?
Human Resources Consulting Services
Are you a small to mid-sized organization in need of HR assistance? We specialize in the implementation and development of HR Programs and Projects.
Our HR consulting services are customized to the needs of your organization. Our areas of expertise include: Employee Relations, Organizational Design, Staff Development, Policy Development and Administration, Team Training and Development, the Everything Disc Assessments & Reports, and more.
Find out how we can provide high-quality HR consulting support to meet and exceed your organization’s goals. Contact us with your needs and we will provide the solutions.
Corporate Client Consulting Services
HRCC provides individualized solutions that work. Whether it is downsizing, an organizational issue or the need for a redesign, we can develop and implement the programs you need. Contact us to discover how we can help your organization succeed.
On Site Programs: all of our programs are targeted at achieving outcomes and not simply on delivering skills training or technique overviews. We work directly with our clients to make certain that they understand how to correctly and successfully apply the program content. These services are designed for one-on-one, person-to-person or group delivery by the consultant. Additionally, we use internet and phone conferencing services as needed to supplement service delivery.
Our focus is strongly on the individual. We tailor our supporting efforts to the unique needs of each person, with a clear perspective on what really works. We adjust proven techniques as closely as possible to the natural tendencies of the individual, without compromising necessary and productive approaches needed to achieve the desired career outcomes.
Organizational Programs & Redesign
Is your company lean and agile enough to efficiently adjust to changing times and conditions?
HRCC presents our clients with highly-focused consulting services directed at increasing both individual and group efficiency in managing and maximizing their performance.
Areas of expertise include program development and implementation for: Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Team Management, Team Performance, Conflict Management and more.
Executive Coaching: HRCC provides programs to individual clients that to equip them with the necessary tools and techniques to accurately manage their career. These individualized programs teach and coach each client on how to utilize the most effective management tools and techniques in handling career transition, sensitive internal relationship and interaction issues, and overcoming career advancement limiting issues.
Career Transition Outplacement Programs
Is your company in need of Career Transition / Outplacement Services?
HRCC excels at developing and providing effective and efficient programs including: Assessments, Campaign / Search Preparation, Job Search Strategies, Networking, Interviewing and Salary Negotiation, Live Workshops and more. In addition, we supply Downsizing Management and Supervisory Training.
Individual Job Transitioning, Training and Coaching
Laid-off or looking for a better job? HRCC offers one-on-one individual training and coaching in job-transitioning and Career Management.
Allow us to provide you with the benefits of an affordably-priced, corporate-quality “Outplacement Program” customized just for you. These services are identical to the ones we provide to our corporate clients.
A successful job transition begins with a plan. We utilize a series of assessments & reports, including the Everything Disc - to design a program which best meets your needs.
This typically includes training and coaching in: Personal Presentation, Branding, Networking, Effective Interviewing Techniques, Salary & Benefits Negotiation, Job Search Strategies, Live Workshops and more.
Managing a job search while employed is challenging. Proper confidentiality and smart relationship management techniques are a must. Effective job search strategies and career management techniques must be more sophisticated and up-to-date. Our programs are designed to provide these important tools. Contact us to discover how we can help you succeed!
Do you know what it takes to successfully manage your career? To maximize your earnings and true worth in today’s marketplace?
In working with HRCC, you will benefit from the support of true professionals who understand the most effective and proven techniques and skills. Our individualized programs teach and coach each client on how to utilize the most effective management tools and techniques in handling career transition, sensitive internal relationship and interaction issues, and overcoming career advancement limiting issues.
Your career success is our business. Contact us to discover how we can help you excel!
Where Do I go from here?
Please click on the appropriate tab or subtitle above to learn more about our services and how we can meet your needs. Your success is our business! We greatly appreciate your visit to our site.